
News March/April

In the first quarter of 2024, we at mein PLATZ reached a new milestone as we attended more trade fairs and events than ever before. This intensive trade fair period was not only filled with exciting encounters and lively discussions, but also a clear sign of the growing enthusiasm and interest in the world of camping. The demand and feedback for all our products, both digital and print, has been overwhelming and has far exceeded our expectations.

We would particularly like to highlight the success of our pitch and camping guide, Camperwelt 2024. With an impressive sales record, it has once again proven that high-quality print products are still highly valued and have a firm place in the heart of the camping community. Contrary to the widespread opinion that paper formats are on the decline, we are experiencing a renaissance of printed media that impress with their tangible charm and practical usability.

Camperwelt is more than just a catalog – it is a constant companion for all your travels and adventures. You can order them directly and conveniently to your home. Sit back while we make sure the world of camping comes to you in paper form, and plan your next trip with the knowledge you need at your side.

But that’s not all: we are constantly expanding and optimizing our range for you. Our digital resources, such as intuitive booking systems, detailed pitch information and interactive itineraries, are constantly being improved to meet the changing needs of the modern camper.

The extremely positive feedback we have received at the trade fairs and events is both an incentive and an obligation for us to support and promote the enthusiastic camping spirit. After all, it is your experiences and satisfaction that drive us and show that our dedication and passion for camping is the right way forward.

We would like to thank all visitors, customers and partners who have contributed to our success and look forward to the many adventures we will have together in the future.

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